Q: I previously asked my one of my friends as well as (recently) both my grandmothers to read Istikhaarah Salaah on my behalf with regards to a potential marriage partner. All the answers I received from them were positive. I firmly believe that these answers are correct and that I do not have to also read because they have done so on my behalf. I am also of the opinion that my answer will be biased since I do want to marry this girl. Are my thoughts in this regard incorrect? The prospective girl has read Istikhaarah before and she believes the answer was positive but now she is reading it again just to be 100% sure. Please advise me on this.
A: The purpose of Istikhaarah is to 'consult' with Allah Ta'aala, and through the blessing of this act, gain Barakah in the future endeavour, in your case the marriage. Istikhaarah should be done by the person who requires the assurance and not by anyone else. Although you are certain and positive with regard to this marriage, you should still make Istikhaarah to gain the Barakah and blessings of such a great Amal. After the girl made Istikhaarah and her answer was positive, there is no need to repeat the Istikhaarah by her.
Allah Ta'aala knows best.
Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai