Q: I am really pleased with your questions and answers. May Allah Ta'ala take you from strenght to strenght, ameen.
I have a suggestion, could you please place the words "And Allah Ta'ala knows best" after the answers?
A: We normally mention these words in answers that are perhaps intricate and open to alternate interpretations. However, we do not feel the need to mention these words in answers that are straight forward and that are mentioned in the reference works quite conclusively. You will notice this in the books of the Fuqahaa as well. For example, in answer to a question on drugs or alcohol one would say: ‘it is Haraam’ without adding the words Wallahu’ A’lam.
However, if you have come across sources that are contrary to what I have just mentioned, I would highly appreciate you sending this to me for my guidance.
Allah reward you for your interest in these matters, Aameen.
Mufti Siraj Desai