
Spouses Reading Tahajjud in Jamaat

Q: Is it permissible for a husband and wife to pray tahajjud salaah together as a jamaat? A: It is permissible for a husband and wife to offer tahajjud salaah together in jamaat form. In fact this is very meritorious and encouraged. Mufti Siraj Desai

Spouses Reading Tahajjud in Jamaat

Q: Is it permissible for a husband and wife to pray tahajjud salaah together as a jamaat? A: It is permissible for a husband and wife to offer tahajjud salaah together in jamaat form. In fact this is very meritorious and encouraged. Mufti Siraj Desai

Six Fasts of Shawwal or Ramadaan Qadha

Q: Which fasts have priority: the six days sunnah fasting of Shawwal, or missed fasts of Ramadaan due to menstruation? A: It is necessary to first pay in the missed fasts of Ramadaan, then do the six of Shawwal, if one has the strenght and the time. Mufti Siraj Desai

Six Fasts of Shawwal or Ramadaan Qadha

Q: Which fasts have priority: the six days sunnah fasting of Shawwal, or missed fasts of Ramadaan due to menstruation? A: It is necessary to first pay in the missed fasts of Ramadaan, then do the six of Shawwal, if one has the strenght and the time. Mufti Siraj Desai

Prevented From Marriage

Q: I want to marry according to my will, but my parents are not allowing it. Please tell me some dua to read. A: Read this Dua from the Holy Qur'aan: RABBANA AKHRIJNA MIN HAAZHI HIL-QARYATIZH-ZHAALIMI AHLUHAWAJ'ALLANA MIN LADUNKA WALIYYAN WAJ'ALLANA MIN LADUNKA NASEERAN. Mufti Siraj Desai

Prevented From Marriage

Q: I want to marry according to my will, but my parents are not allowing it. Please tell me some dua to read. A: Read this Dua from the Holy Qur'aan: RABBANA AKHRIJNA MIN HAAZHI HIL-QARYATIZH-ZHAALIMI AHLUHAWAJ'ALLANA MIN LADUNKA WALIYYAN WAJ'ALLANA MIN LADUNKA NASEERAN. Mufti Siraj Desai

Area of Pubic Hair

Q: Could you please define the area of pubic hair that needs to be removed? A: The area below the navel and the area around both genitals, front and hind. Mufti Siraj Desai

Area of Pubic Hair

Q: Could you please define the area of pubic hair that needs to be removed? A: The area below the navel and the area around both genitals, front and hind. Mufti Siraj Desai