
Zakaat on Kruger Rand

Q: How does one calculate the zaakat on a Kruger Rand? A: You need to ascertain the current value of the Kruger Rand and then calculate 2.5 percent of the value. That will be your zakaat. The value can be checked in local newspapers or from your local Ulema bodies. If you are unable to …

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Zakaat on Kruger Rand

Q: How does one calculate the zaakat on a Kruger Rand? A: You need to ascertain the current value of the Kruger Rand and then calculate 2.5 percent of the value. That will be your zakaat. The value can be checked in local newspapers or from your local Ulema bodies. If you are unable to …

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Days One Can’t Fast

Q: What are the 5 days that you are not permitted to fast? A: One is not allowed to fast on Eidul-Fitr, Eidul-Adh Haa (Bakri Eid) and 3 days after Eidul Adh-Haa. Five days in total. Mufti Siraj Desai

Days One Can’t Fast

Q: What are the 5 days that you are not permitted to fast? A: One is not allowed to fast on Eidul-Fitr, Eidul-Adh Haa (Bakri Eid) and 3 days after Eidul Adh-Haa. Five days in total. Mufti Siraj Desai


Q: Is it permisible to eat crayfish? A: In the Hanafi math-hab only fish among seafood is halaal. Crayfish is not a fish hence it will not be permissible for consumption. And Allah knows best Mufti Siraj Desai


Q: Is it permisible to eat crayfish? A: In the Hanafi math-hab only fish among seafood is halaal. Crayfish is not a fish hence it will not be permissible for consumption. And Allah knows best Mufti Siraj Desai