
Fasting Without Sehri

Q: Is fasting without taking sehri is allowed? A: Fasting without Sehri is permissible. In fact, one cannot miss the fast even if Sehri was missed. Mufti Siraj Desai

Fasting Without Sehri

Q: Is fasting without taking sehri is allowed? A: Fasting without Sehri is permissible. In fact, one cannot miss the fast even if Sehri was missed. Mufti Siraj Desai

Pap Smear and Fasting

Q: If a female has a pap smear during Ramadaan, does the fast break? Is ghusl fardh upon her? A: Having a pap smear while fasting will break the fast but ghusl is not fardh. Mufti Siraj Desai

Pap Smear and Fasting

Q: If a female has a pap smear during Ramadaan, does the fast break? Is ghusl fardh upon her? A: Having a pap smear while fasting will break the fast but ghusl is not fardh. Mufti Siraj Desai

Fitra and Fidya for 2009

Q: What is the Fidya for this year (2009)? A: The Hanafi Fidya and Fitra amounts for Ramadaan 1430/September 2009 is R10. The Shafi Fitra is R25 and Shafi Fidya is R12. These amounts apply to the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Other areas should follow their local Ulama. Muhammad BadshaChecked by: Mufti Siraj …

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Fitra and Fidya for 2009

Q: What is the Fidya for this year (2009)? A: The Hanafi Fidya and Fitra amounts for Ramadaan 1430/September 2009 is R10. The Shafi Fitra is R25 and Shafi Fidya is R12. These amounts apply to the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Other areas should follow their local Ulama. Muhammad BadshaChecked by: Mufti Siraj …

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