
Money Missing

Q: As per instuctions of the owner, I collected the rent money and left it on the computer keyboard which we always do. Besides the employer and myself nobody is allowed to enter this area. After leaving the money I had to attend to a customer and upon completing the customer, which was about an …

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Money Missing

Q: As per instuctions of the owner, I collected the rent money and left it on the computer keyboard which we always do. Besides the employer and myself nobody is allowed to enter this area. After leaving the money I had to attend to a customer and upon completing the customer, which was about an …

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Three Talaaqs and Halaala

Q: Why is it in Islam a couple may not reconcile after 3 talaaqs (divorces), and why are they only allowed to reconcile after halaala (wife marries someone else, consummates the marriage and is then divorced or husband dies)? A: Islam created talaaq to break a marriage. This was necessary because when a couple is …

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Three Talaaqs and Halaala

Q: Why is it in Islam a couple may not reconcile after 3 talaaqs (divorces), and why are they only allowed to reconcile after halaala (wife marries someone else, consummates the marriage and is then divorced or husband dies)? A: Islam created talaaq to break a marriage. This was necessary because when a couple is …

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Q: Please advice me regarding facebook. What about the husband who allows his wife to do this? What about women in purdah on facebook? A: For a female to indulge in any activity that promotes herself to outsiders is not allowed. This is proven from many verses of Quran and Ahadeeth of our Rasool (sallallahu …

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Q: Please advice me regarding facebook. What about the husband who allows his wife to do this? What about women in purdah on facebook? A: For a female to indulge in any activity that promotes herself to outsiders is not allowed. This is proven from many verses of Quran and Ahadeeth of our Rasool (sallallahu …

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