
Paying Zakaat on a Monthly Basis

Q: I have a monthly debit order going off for zakah to SANZAF. Is this within the laws of giving zakah? A: Paying zakaat on a monthly basis via debit order is permissible and zakaat paid thus is valid. Mufti Siraj Desai

Paying Zakaat on a Monthly Basis

Q: I have a monthly debit order going off for zakah to SANZAF. Is this within the laws of giving zakah? A: Paying zakaat on a monthly basis via debit order is permissible and zakaat paid thus is valid. Mufti Siraj Desai

Sin of Masturbation

Q: Is masturbation haraam? A: Yes, masturbation is a Haraam act. Sayyidina Ataa' was asked regarding this. He said that a group of people will be resurrected on Qiyaamah and their hands will be pregnant. It will be these people who had been doing this and did not repent. Their fault will be witnessed by …

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Sin of Masturbation

Q: Is masturbation haraam? A: Yes, masturbation is a Haraam act. Sayyidina Ataa' was asked regarding this. He said that a group of people will be resurrected on Qiyaamah and their hands will be pregnant. It will be these people who had been doing this and did not repent. Their fault will be witnessed by …

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