

Q: I have recently heard about Mut'ah marriage. Can you please shed more light on this? A: Mut'ah means to 'marry a lady' for a prescribed period of time, and this is forbidden and Haraam according to all the four Madhabs. This type of 'Nikah' is invalid. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) did give permission …

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Q: I have recently heard about Mut'ah marriage. Can you please shed more light on this? A: Mut'ah means to 'marry a lady' for a prescribed period of time, and this is forbidden and Haraam according to all the four Madhabs. This type of 'Nikah' is invalid. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) did give permission …

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Breast-feeding Nephew

Q: If a woman breast-feeds her own daughter and at the same time she breast-feeds her brother’s son; is it haraam for any of her brother's sons and daughters to marry this woman’s sons and daughter? A: In the case you mentioned, the other sons of her brother can marry her daughter, and also the …

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Breast-feeding Nephew

Q: If a woman breast-feeds her own daughter and at the same time she breast-feeds her brother’s son; is it haraam for any of her brother's sons and daughters to marry this woman’s sons and daughter? A: In the case you mentioned, the other sons of her brother can marry her daughter, and also the …

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Shaving Pubic Hair

Q: I am 14 years old. Is it necessary for me to shave my pubic region (front private part) hairs? A: Once hair grews in the pubic area (around the front and back private parts) then it becomes necessary to shave. It is not permissible to leave the hair for 40 days without shaving. So …

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Shaving Pubic Hair

Q: I am 14 years old. Is it necessary for me to shave my pubic region (front private part) hairs? A: Once hair grews in the pubic area (around the front and back private parts) then it becomes necessary to shave. It is not permissible to leave the hair for 40 days without shaving. So …

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Two Wives and Inheritance

Q: If a man who has two wives dies, do they inherit one eighth each, or must you divide one eighth between the two wives? A: The one eighth must be shared between two or more wives.

Two Wives and Inheritance

Q: If a man who has two wives dies, do they inherit one eighth each, or must you divide one eighth between the two wives? A: The one eighth must be shared between two or more wives.