
Disposing Body Parts after Operation

Q: If I had an operation, must I bury the skin they cut off or can it be burnt with the rest of the body parts? A: It is not permissible to burn parts of the body. These should be buried. One should try one’s best to get the hospital workers to do this.

Disposing Body Parts after Operation

Q: If I had an operation, must I bury the skin they cut off or can it be burnt with the rest of the body parts? A: It is not permissible to burn parts of the body. These should be buried. One should try one’s best to get the hospital workers to do this.

Psalms and Music

Q: What does the Zaboor (Psalms) say about music or singing? A: We are not aware of the ruling of the Zaboor regarding music and singing. We follow the Qur'aan and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam). The Qur'aan and the Sunnah has cancelled out and replaced all previous books and religious …

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Psalms and Music

Q: What does the Zaboor (Psalms) say about music or singing? A: We are not aware of the ruling of the Zaboor regarding music and singing. We follow the Qur'aan and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam). The Qur'aan and the Sunnah has cancelled out and replaced all previous books and religious …

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Dogs in the House

Q: What is Sharia stance on dogs at home merely for security purposes. Can they be allowed in the house? A: It is permissible to keep a dog for security purposes and protection. Do not allow the dog inside the house unless there is a dire need, e.g. the robber is in the house, etc. …

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Dogs in the House

Q: What is Sharia stance on dogs at home merely for security purposes. Can they be allowed in the house? A: It is permissible to keep a dog for security purposes and protection. Do not allow the dog inside the house unless there is a dire need, e.g. the robber is in the house, etc. …

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