Breaking a Mirror
Q: I was told that breaking a mirror is 7 years bad luck. Islamically is this true? A. This is a superstition and has no validity in Islam. Moulana Yusuf LaherChecked by: Mufti Siraj Desai
Q: I was told that breaking a mirror is 7 years bad luck. Islamically is this true? A. This is a superstition and has no validity in Islam. Moulana Yusuf LaherChecked by: Mufti Siraj Desai
Q: I have a sister who was conceived out of wedlock and my father is still not married to her mother. My father is still married to my mother though. What I’d like know is my sister Haraam for me? Can I marry her off one day? Can I be her Mahram? What can and …
Q: I have been ill for many years and I suspect it might be black magic, but the doctor says it’s depression. I have been to India and whilst I was there I went to a moulana and he gave me taaweez. When I come back to England, I felt sad and sometimes I fight. …
Q: Is belly dancing permitted in Islam if it is only between women? A. Both singing and dancing are Haraam. Allaamah ibni Katheer records a narration in his Tafseer under verse 6 of Surah Luqmaan: And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks… Sayyidina Abdullah ibni Mas’ood (Radhiyallaahu Anhu) was asked regarding the meaning …
Q: Can we reply the salaam of some one while making wudhu or reading Quran? A. It is Makrooh and sinful to make Salaam to a person who is engaged in any Ibaadat; Wudhu is also an Ibaadat. (Raddul Muhtaar V4 P425), hence one should not make salaam to a person who is making Wudhu. …
Q: Kya haiz k dinun main quran ko tuch kiye baghair quran padh sakte hain?Translation: Is it permissible to read the Quraan while experiencing haidh (menstruating) without touching it? A. Haiz ke dinon mein dono mana’ aur Haraam hai; Qur’aan choona (touch karna) mana’ hai aur Qur’aan parhna bhi mana’ aur Haraam hai. Un dinon …
Q: Does your wudhu break if you kiss, hug or touch your husband? Is your wudhu valid if you have a ghusal with your husband? Is your wudhu valid if you see your husband naked? A. Wudhu will not break if a wife touches, kisses or hugs her husband. This ruling is according to the …
Q: If a woman has a step son, after his father’s death, does he still remain her mahram? A. A step son will always remain a Mahram for the step mother, even after the death of the father (Fataawa Mahmoodiyah V28 P107). If there is fear of Fitnah then the stepson and stepmother should not …
Q: Is it permissible for women to go in Jihaad? A: Jihad is not Fardh upon women and they are generally not allowed to participate in jihad. This is a standard rule. However, if a Muslim town or country is under a sudden attack from the enemy then it becomes Fardh even upon the womenfolk …
Q: If urine or vomits fell on carpet after cleaning with wet sponge three time will it be paak (ritually clean)? A. Using a wet sponge to remove impurity is not enough to clean the carpet. The only way a carpet can be cleaned from impurity is by using a vacuum machine that can suck …