
Cornrows Hairstyle

Q: Is it permissable for a male to have cornrows? A. Cornrows is a style which originates from non Muslims, thus it should be avoided. The Hadeeth forbids us from emulating the styles and fashions of other nations. Allah Ta'aala knows best. Moulana Yusuf LaherChecked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Cornrows Hairstyle

Q: Is it permissable for a male to have cornrows? A. Cornrows is a style which originates from non Muslims, thus it should be avoided. The Hadeeth forbids us from emulating the styles and fashions of other nations. Allah Ta'aala knows best. Moulana Yusuf LaherChecked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

SMS Competitions

Q: Is it permissable to enter a competion by sending the answer of the competion question by sms which will cost R2.00? I don't know if this money goes towards the prize or this is the rate for sending an sms to that special number. We are actually paying the R2.00 for the sms and …

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