
Dead Sea Products

Q: Is it permissible as a Muslim to use products/cosmetics, which contain minerals from the Dead Sea? A: The Dead Sea is where the Punishment of Allah came down upon the nation of Nabi Loot (Alayhis-Salaam). There is spiritual darkness in this area, so Muslims are not allowed to use products made from the sand …

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Playing Chess

Q: Is Chess (the game) haraam? A: 1) According to the Hanafi Madhab chess is not allowed, for the following reasons: a) There is a Hadeeth that states: One who plays chess, it is as if he has soaked his hands in the blood of swine. b) The reason for this stern reprimand is that …

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Son in Law as Mahram

Q: Is it possible for a woman to do umrah with her son-in-law? Is the son-in-law a mahram if he is not her nephew? A. Although a father-in-law or mother-in-law is considered Mahram for the daughter-in-law or son-in-law in terms of Shari’ah, but if the age gap between the two is not big then they …

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Men Shaving Chest

Q: Is trimming or shaving of chest hair allowed for Muslim men? A: It is permissible for men to shave or trim the hair on the chest. However, it is preferred not to do so, as some Books of Fiqh mention. In other words, if one does it there is no sin at all.