
Secular Sciences

Q: Do the secular sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, Medicine, etc count as 'ilm la yanfa` (knowledge that does not benefit)? A: Knowledge that does not benefit, as it appears in the hadith, refers to Deeni knowledge that one does not practice upon. The benefit of Islamic knowledge is that one should become pious and …

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Girl’s Name Aleesa

Q: Is Aleesa an Islamic name? Jazakallah A: We have not come across the name Aleesa. You are advised not to use it, or before doing so at least consult other Ulema who might have come across this name. Mufti Siraj Desai

Girl’s Name Aleesa

Q: Is Aleesa an Islamic name? Jazakallah A: We have not come across the name Aleesa. You are advised not to use it, or before doing so at least consult other Ulema who might have come across this name. Mufti Siraj Desai