
Area of Pubic Hair

Q: Could you please define the area of pubic hair that needs to be removed? A: The area below the navel and the area around both genitals, front and hind. Mufti Siraj Desai

Area of Pubic Hair

Q: Could you please define the area of pubic hair that needs to be removed? A: The area below the navel and the area around both genitals, front and hind. Mufti Siraj Desai

Tying Hair in a Bun

Q: If its forbidden for men to tie hair in bundle, how should a woman's hair be tied when performing Salaah? A: Women are allowed to read salaah with hair tied in a bun. Men may not do this.The women's salaah will not be affected or disrupted in any way. Mufti Siraj Desai  

Tying Hair in a Bun

Q: If its forbidden for men to tie hair in bundle, how should a woman's hair be tied when performing Salaah? A: Women are allowed to read salaah with hair tied in a bun. Men may not do this.The women's salaah will not be affected or disrupted in any way. Mufti Siraj Desai  


Q: Is it permisible to eat crayfish? A: In the Hanafi math-hab only fish among seafood is halaal. Crayfish is not a fish hence it will not be permissible for consumption. And Allah knows best Mufti Siraj Desai


Q: Is it permisible to eat crayfish? A: In the Hanafi math-hab only fish among seafood is halaal. Crayfish is not a fish hence it will not be permissible for consumption. And Allah knows best Mufti Siraj Desai

Islamic TV Channels

Q: Is it permissable to watch Islamic channels eg. Peace TV in Ramadaan? A: Television, even Islamic programs, is not permissible because of the photography that is part of TV. Photos and pictures of people are haraam and not permissible. We advise that during Ramadaan, instead of watching TV, engage in recitation of Quran, thikr …

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