
Making up for Theft

Q: If I robbed people many years ago and feel guilty as I don't want them to take of my good deeds on the Day of Judgement, is there any sacrifices I should make besides making Tawbah (repentance)? A: Besides making Taubah, you have to return the stolen items or the value to their respective …

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Making up for Theft

Q: If I robbed people many years ago and feel guilty as I don't want them to take of my good deeds on the Day of Judgement, is there any sacrifices I should make besides making Tawbah (repentance)? A: Besides making Taubah, you have to return the stolen items or the value to their respective …

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Dream as Proof

Q: My phone was stolen in my own home. I had a dream that a specific guest who attended the function in my home stole it. The dream happened around the early hours of morning between 2 to 4 am. What is the meaning of this dream? A: A dream is not proof that the …

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Dream as Proof

Q: My phone was stolen in my own home. I had a dream that a specific guest who attended the function in my home stole it. The dream happened around the early hours of morning between 2 to 4 am. What is the meaning of this dream? A: A dream is not proof that the …

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Spouses Bathing Together

Q: Can husband and wife take a bath together? A: It is permissible for the husband and wife to bath together. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) also bathed with his wife. (Saheeh Muslim V1 P176) Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Spouses Bathing Together

Q: Can husband and wife take a bath together? A: It is permissible for the husband and wife to bath together. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) also bathed with his wife. (Saheeh Muslim V1 P176) Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Masturbation in Islam

Q: Is masturbation allowed in Islam? A: Masturbation is forbidden in Islam. Sayyidina Ataa' was asked regarding this. He said that a group of people will be resurrected on Qiyaamah and their hands will be pregnant. It will be these people who had been doing this and did not repent. Their fault will be witnessed …

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