
Pig Skin Leather Shoes

Q: Is it permissible to wear shoes that are from pig skin leather? A: It is haraam to wear shoes made of pig skin. All parts of the pig are haraam according to the Holy Quran.

Athaan for Newborn

Q: I have a question with regard to reciting the athaan and iqaama into the baby’s ear. In the moden day and according to my understanding, when a baby is born, the nurses wash the baby and thereafter take the baby to be examined before giving the baby to the parents. According to my understanding …

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Using Facebook

Q: I want your guidance on whether using Facebook and other social networking websites is halal or haram. Facebook is a place where the following happens: 1. Male and female interaction through chats, 2. Every sort of pictures (mehram and na-mehram), 3. Videos and music of every type, 4. On special forums and pages people …

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