Zakaat on mobile contract
Q: Is a cell phone contract deductible from one’s assets when calculating zakaat? A: Yes, the money owed on a cell phone contract may be deducted for zakaat purposes.
Q: Is a cell phone contract deductible from one’s assets when calculating zakaat? A: Yes, the money owed on a cell phone contract may be deducted for zakaat purposes.
Q: Are married couples allowed to shower together while fasting? A: If doing this will not lead to sexual intercourse then it is permissible while fasting. If there is fear that being together in this state will result in the fast breaking, then it is not permissible for spouses to shower together during the day …
Q: For certain illnesses a gas is pumped into the rear private part. Does this nullify the fast? A: Any substance that is introduced into the rear private part will break the fast. In this case one qadha will be necessary.
Q: If I was busy with one khatam of the Quran before Ramadaan, now when Ramadaan enters do I start a new khatam of continue with this one? A: In this case do not start a new khatam. Continue with the one you were busy with and complete it in the Month of Ramadaan.
Q: I have school exams in Ramadaan. I want to fast but I have a lot of homework to do as it is my last year in school. I don’t know what to do? A: Our worldly issues revolve around our Deen and not the other way round. Fasting is Fardh and you do not …
Q: If a man forces his wife to be intimate with him in Ramadhan whilst they are both fasting, against her wishes, does she have to do kaffara for the broken fast even though it was not her fault? A. If the husband forces his wife to have sexual relations with him during Ramadhaan while …
Q: Can a person in Itikaf smoke cigarettes? A: It is not permissible to smoke anywhere in the musjid. If one goes out of musjid to smoke, the I’tikaaf will break, whether he is addicted to cigarettes or not. Any extra time spent smoking in toilet will also break I’tikaaf. That is, if one has …
Q: When a person dies in the month of Ramaadan do they undergo the same questioning in the grave or are they pardoned from all this and are they forgiven their sins? A: Ramadhaan contains Divine mercies, favours and blessings like no other month. There is great hope in the Mercy of Allah Ta’aala that …
Q: I want to pay Fidyah for Ramadan in Pakistan for my wife who is not able to fast. Shall I pay according to the rate per day in Pakistan or as per the rate where I live: Canada? A. If your wife is in Canada, the Canadian rate will be paid, irrespective of where …
Q: I'm three months pregnant. Is it necessary to pay Fitrah for my unborn child? A: Fitrah is not paid for an unborn child. Moulana Yusuf Laher Checked by: Mufti Siraj Desai