
Many Fitras to One Person

Q: Can we give all our Fitra (from all the family members combined) to only one Sharee Fakir (Poor person who can accept Fitra Islamically)? A: Yes, the whole family's fitra can be given to one shar'ee fakir. This is jaaiz and lawful. Mufti Siraj Desai

Periods and Fasting

Q: If you start your period (menses) 40 minutes before iftaar time, after you have prayed Asr, is your fast still counted? Also if you don't check but you know you have started bleeding and you check after Iftar and this confirms what you perceived would you still have to keep Qadha? I remember somebody …

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Work and Taraweeh

Q: My work involves me working different shifts ie: 06h00 to 14h00 , 14h00 to 22h00 , 22h00 to 06h00. During Ramadaan I can not perform all my taraweeh. Is there a way wereby I would be able to perform  all of taraweeh? A: Perfrom the taraweeh in full during the nights that you are …

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Sadaqatul Fitr for Baalig Children

Q: Do parents have to pay Sadaqatul Fitr on behalf of their children who have reached puberty? A: Fitra is not payable on behalf of children who have attained the age of puberty (baalig). Mufti Siraj Desai

Sadaqatul Fitr for Baalig Children

Q: Do parents have to pay Sadaqatul Fitr on behalf of their children who have reached puberty? A: Fitra is not payable on behalf of children who have attained the age of puberty (baalig). Mufti Siraj Desai

Fitra and Fidya for 2009

Q: What is the Fidya for this year (2009)? A: The Hanafi Fidya and Fitra amounts for Ramadaan 1430/September 2009 is R10. The Shafi Fitra is R25 and Shafi Fidya is R12. These amounts apply to the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Other areas should follow their local Ulama. Muhammad BadshaChecked by: Mufti Siraj …

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Fitra and Fidya for 2009

Q: What is the Fidya for this year (2009)? A: The Hanafi Fidya and Fitra amounts for Ramadaan 1430/September 2009 is R10. The Shafi Fitra is R25 and Shafi Fidya is R12. These amounts apply to the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Other areas should follow their local Ulama. Muhammad BadshaChecked by: Mufti Siraj …

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