
Zakaat on Inheritance

Q: Is zakaat payable on one’s share of inheritance that was acquired just a few weeks ago? A: If one has inherited cash, gold, silver, or stock then zakaat must be paid on that share by adding its value to existing zakaatable assets. This share will be included in the rest of one’s zakaat. However, …

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Giving Children Zakaat

Q: I have mentally retarded child. Can I use my zakaat to pay for his medical bills? A: Parent’s may not give their zakaat to their children. In this case you cannot use zakaat to pay for your child’s medical expenses.

Giving Children Zakaat

Q: I have mentally retarded child. Can I use my zakaat to pay for his medical bills? A: Parent’s may not give their zakaat to their children. In this case you cannot use zakaat to pay for your child’s medical expenses.

Wife Giving Husband Zakaat

Q: I am in the process of calculating my zakaat. My husband has many debts. Can I give him my zakaat? A: A wife may not give her zakaat to her husband. (Hanafi Math-hab)

Wife Giving Husband Zakaat

Q: I am in the process of calculating my zakaat. My husband has many debts. Can I give him my zakaat? A: A wife may not give her zakaat to her husband. (Hanafi Math-hab)

Taraweeh in Jamaat (Congregation)

Q: Is it also sunnat to perform the taraweeh in Jamaat? A: Taraweeh is also sunnat in jamaat. Therefore, a person who performs his taraweeh alone, will not attain the sunnat reward of jamaat, although he would have fulfilled the basic sunnat of taraweeh only.