
Taraweeh in Jamaat (Congregation)

Q: Is it also sunnat to perform the taraweeh in Jamaat? A: Taraweeh is also sunnat in jamaat. Therefore, a person who performs his taraweeh alone, will not attain the sunnat reward of jamaat, although he would have fulfilled the basic sunnat of taraweeh only.

Short Surahs in Taraweeh

Q: Is it permisible to read short surahs in Taraweeh Namaaz? A: The Sunnah is to recite the entire Qur'aan at least once in Taraweeh. Short Surahs should only be recited if there is no Hafiz available. Notwithstanding this, the Taraweeh is valid if short Surahs are recited, for short Surahs are also part of …

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Short Surahs in Taraweeh

Q: Is it permisible to read short surahs in Taraweeh Namaaz? A: The Sunnah is to recite the entire Qur'aan at least once in Taraweeh. Short Surahs should only be recited if there is no Hafiz available. Notwithstanding this, the Taraweeh is valid if short Surahs are recited, for short Surahs are also part of …

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Four Rakaat Batches of Taraweeh

Q: Can ladies read 4 rakaats taraaweeh with one salaam? A: Hanafis can read Taraaweeh Salaah in batches of four Rakaats. The Shaafi’ees cannot read the Taraweeh Salaah in batches of four Rakaa’ats. They must perform it in batches of two Rakaa’ats. Moulana Yusuf Laher Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Four Rakaat Batches of Taraweeh

Q: Can ladies read 4 rakaats taraaweeh with one salaam? A: Hanafis can read Taraaweeh Salaah in batches of four Rakaats. The Shaafi’ees cannot read the Taraweeh Salaah in batches of four Rakaa’ats. They must perform it in batches of two Rakaa’ats. Moulana Yusuf Laher Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Jewellery and Hajj

Q: I do not have sufficient money to go for Hajj. However, if I cash in my invesments/jewellery I will have enough. Is Hajj compulsory on me? A: Yes, Haj will be compulsory on you. (Hidaya Awwal page 232) You will have to cash in your investments and liquidate your jewellery to makeup the money …

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Jewellery and Hajj

Q: I do not have sufficient money to go for Hajj. However, if I cash in my invesments/jewellery I will have enough. Is Hajj compulsory on me? A: Yes, Haj will be compulsory on you. (Hidaya Awwal page 232) You will have to cash in your investments and liquidate your jewellery to makeup the money …

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Umrah for a Child

Q: One of my friends has went for Umrah and is presently in Madinah. He intends to go to Makkah for umrah. He has a young daughter 7 or 8 years old and intends to take her to Makkah but leave her at the hotel and not take her for Umrah. What is the Islamic …

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