More than One Qadhaa in One Salaah Time
Q: Can I read more than one qadhaa of one particular salaah at one time such as three qadhaa of Fajr or four qadhaa of zuhr at one time? A: Yes, this is permissible.
Q: Can I read more than one qadhaa of one particular salaah at one time such as three qadhaa of Fajr or four qadhaa of zuhr at one time? A: Yes, this is permissible.
Q: Can I read more than one qadhaa of one particular salaah at one time such as three qadhaa of Fajr or four qadhaa of zuhr at one time? A: Yes, this is permissible.
Q: Can I pray Salaah behind an ahle hadith imam? Is the Salaah valid? A. There are two types of Ahle Hadeeth. One is the Ahle Hadeeth who does not insult the Imams of the four math-habs, believes in Taqleed though he does not subscribe to it, and maintains general respect for the math-habs. The …
Q: Can I pray Salaah behind an ahle hadith imam? Is the Salaah valid? A. There are two types of Ahle Hadeeth. One is the Ahle Hadeeth who does not insult the Imams of the four math-habs, believes in Taqleed though he does not subscribe to it, and maintains general respect for the math-habs. The …
Q: Can you perform qasr salaah when on holiday at a holiday house with all comforts available? A: Qasr Salaah is a gift from Allah Ta'aala to this Ummat, and a Divine gift should not be refused. The criterion for Qasr Salaah is the distance being travelled and the duration of stay at the temporary …
Q: Can you perform qasr salaah when on holiday at a holiday house with all comforts available? A: Qasr Salaah is a gift from Allah Ta'aala to this Ummat, and a Divine gift should not be refused. The criterion for Qasr Salaah is the distance being travelled and the duration of stay at the temporary …
Q: We are not offering prayer fajr salaah. What can we do to start offering it? A: You have to have the concern from the night. Try to implement the following suggestions:1) Make Du'aa that getting up for Fajr becomes easy on you.2) Go to sleep immediately after Eshaa so that you can get enough …
Q: We are not offering prayer fajr salaah. What can we do to start offering it? A: You have to have the concern from the night. Try to implement the following suggestions:1) Make Du'aa that getting up for Fajr becomes easy on you.2) Go to sleep immediately after Eshaa so that you can get enough …