
Old Age and Sajda

Q: My old age mother sits on one chair and do sajda on another chair in front of her. Is that a correct way of performing salah? A: The way your mom is making salaah is incorrect. She must not make sajda on another chair. She should just bend forward more than ruku for sajda. …

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Missing Salaah

Q: I miss Fazr salat often. Can I pray Qadhaa at a later time? Is is acceptable to Allah? A: If one misses a Salaat, then it has to be prayed as Qadhaa later, there is no choice in the matter. Make Istighfaar for not praying the Salaah on time. But remember that you must …

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Repeating a Surah in Salaah

Q: If a person recites the same surah after surah fatiha in both rakaats of fardh must he make sajda e sahw (prostration of forgetfulness)? A: Sajdah Sahw will not be necessary in this case. Moulana Yusuf Laher

Minimum Rakaats of Esha

Q: What is the minimum rakaats you can read for the Esha Salaah? A. Four Sunnah Ghayr Mu’akkadahFour FardhTwo Sunnah Mu’akkadahTwo NaflThree Witr (Waajib)Two Nafl. The four Fardh, two Sunnah Mu’akkadah and three Witr has to be performed. The others are optional. Answer by: Moulana Yusuf Laher

Method of Hanafi Witr

Q: Can you please advice of the correct method of performing Witr salaah for Hanafis? A. The method of performing three Rakaats Witr Namaaz is as follows: Perform two Rakaats as is usually done.After Tashahhud (Attahiyyaat) in the second Rakaat, stand up for the third Rakaat.Recite Surah Faatihah and Surah in this third Rakaat.After reciting …

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Traveller Returning Home and Salaah

Q: If someone is living abroad and traveling to his country for less then 15 days. Will he pray four Rakats or two Rakats in his home country? A. The full Salaah will be made in the home country, irrespective of the amount of days he will spend there. Moulana Yusuf Laher