
Travelling and Salaah

Q: I get very hesitant to travel as I miss out on my salaah or make qazaa. Please help me by letting me know how many rakaats per salaat are required when travelling and from how many kilometers away from home does this apply, and more importantly how to determine qiblah at a hotel or …

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Who Should make Istikharah

Q: Is there anyone that you can refer me to, someone that can perform istikharah on my behalf? I have tried reading and performing but am not sure. A: The purpose of Istikhaarah is to ‘consult’ with Allah Ta’aala, and through the blessing of this act, gain Barakah in the future endeavour. Istikhaarah should be …

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Late for Eid Salaah

Q: If you had entered the jammat (congregation) late in the 2nd rakaat of eid Salaah, how should you continue? A. Join and follow the Imam. When standing up to fulfil the missed Rakaat after the completion of the Salaah by the Imam, first recite Surah Faatihah and Surah, thereafter the extra Takbeers and then …

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Duration of Maghrib

Q: How long can you pray maghrib for from its beginning time? A: It will differ according to season. Find out from your local Ulama in your country.  Mufti Siraj Desai