Mahram for Umrah
Q: Is a mehram compulsory for umrah? A: Yes, a Mahram is compulsory on a journey, whether Umrah or any other journey. Moulana Yusuf Laher
Q: Is a mehram compulsory for umrah? A: Yes, a Mahram is compulsory on a journey, whether Umrah or any other journey. Moulana Yusuf Laher
Q: My wife had a miscarriage at 86 days of her pregnancy. She was bleeding intially, later spotting since then. Her spotiing stopped for 2 days on 18 days after her miscarriage. She took gusal and did umrah. Just after finishing umrah she started spoting again. Does she have to sacifriice a sheep or give …
Q: I wish to go for umrah in with my husband and 2 month old son. Can I perform the umrah with my baby while I breast feed him and he will be with me all the time? A: You may take the baby with you for Umrah and breastfeed him if you really …
Q: If a person sets out for umrah with the intention of visiting Madina first, but due to travel constraints has to go to Makkah first, will there be any penalty due for entering Makkah without ihraam? A. It is not permissible to pass a Meeqaat point without Ihraam. (Badaai'us Sanaai' V2 P164). If a …
Q: We are going to Saudi Arabia to visit our married daughter, parents, brothers and their families. We'll also perform Umrah and go to Madina during this visit. Three members of the family got visit visas from Saudi but the other two had to obtain umrah visas. The intention of the whole family is the …
Q: Can a person who drinks alcohol can go on umrah? A: If a person who drinks alcohol made taubah then he can certainly go for Umrah. If the person did not stop drinking alcohol, but is able to control himself and not drink alcohol while on the journey for umrah, then also …
Q: Can a person who drinks alcohol can go on umrah? A: If a person who drinks alcohol made taubah then he can certainly go for Umrah. If the person did not stop drinking alcohol, but is able to control himself and not drink alcohol while on the journey for umrah, then also …
Q: Is it correct that there is a Hadith to the effect that performing Umrah removes sins and poverty? A. A Hadeeth mentions that when Haj and Umrah are performed consecutively, poverty and sins are wiped out just as a furnace removes dirt from iron. (Ibni Maajah V2 P964). Another Hadeeth mentions that sins committed …
Q: Is it correct that there is a Hadith to the effect that performing Umrah removes sins and poverty? A. A Hadeeth mentions that when Haj and Umrah are performed consecutively, poverty and sins are wiped out just as a furnace removes dirt from iron. (Ibni Maajah V2 P964). Another Hadeeth mentions that sins committed …
Q: We are going for Umrah. When I perform tawaf for umrah can I do this 7 times or 14 times as I will have my one and a half year baby with me at the time? Must I perform the walking between Safwa and Marwa seperately or together with the baby? A. You will …