Zakaat on mobile contract
Q: Is a cell phone contract deductible from one’s assets when calculating zakaat? A: Yes, the money owed on a cell phone contract may be deducted for zakaat purposes.
Q: Is a cell phone contract deductible from one’s assets when calculating zakaat? A: Yes, the money owed on a cell phone contract may be deducted for zakaat purposes.
Q: If someone owes you money for years and and hasn’t paid you back, is it ok for you to write that sum off as zakaah? A: That sum cannot be written off as Zakaah. Moulana Yusuf Laher
Q: If donors give us advanced Zakah before their due date (like Zakah for 2015), can we invest that money for now to cover our expenses, and distribute the moeny when the due date comes? A: Such money may only be invested with the consent and permission of the donors. Otherwise not. Also, should any …
Q: I have some money in my savings account which I paid zakat for it last year in full. I did not use the money neither did I get more. I loaned the money to a family member, who still hasn’t paid it back to me. Ddo I still pay zakat on it this year? …
Q: Is it permissible to give a person to whom zakaat is due food items instead of money? A: Zakaat can be given in cash or kind. Moulana Yusuf Laher
Q: Is Zakat payable on wealth children have inherited? A: According to the Hanafi Madhab, Minors do not pay Zakaat on wealth owned by them. They will be considered as minors until they reach puberty. According to the Shaafi’ee Madhab, minors will pay Zakaat. (Mughniyul Muhtaaj V1 P409). Moulana Yusuf Laher
Q: Is donating money to a mosque regarded as zakaat? A. Zakaat may not be given towards the renovation/upkeep/maintenance of a Masjid. It must necessarily be given to a Muslim who is eligible for Zakaat. (Shaami V7 P226). Moulana Yusuf LaherChecked by: Mufti Siraj Desai
Q: Does my wife have to pay Zakaat on gold jewellery which she doesn’t use? A. If she has 87grams of gold or more, Zakaat will be compulsory, irrespective of whether it is being used or not, and this is according to the Hanafi Madhab. In the Shaafi’ee Madhab Zakaat is not compulsory on jewellery …
Q: Is zakaat is payable on a provident fund that hasn’t matured as yet? A. There is no Zakaat on a provident fund, for this money only becomes the property of someone when it is paid out. Prior to that it remains the property of the company for which one works. And Allah Knows Best. …
Q: My question is related to the correct way to calculate Zakaat. I follow the Shafi mathab. My main confusion is the “one year must elapse” on funds for them to be included as Zakatable assets. A: Calculating Zakaat: 1) Zakaat is payable on cash, gold, silver, merchandise, and livestock. 2) The above five types …