
Zakaat for Minor

Q: I have a son who is 10 years old and he has asavings account. Is Zakaat obligatory on him ? A: Zakaat is not obligatory on a minor.  Moulana Yusuf LaherChecked by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Zakaat on Deposit

Q: I have a morgage but used a sum of my savings to pay for the deposit. Would I need to pay zakaat on the deposit used? A: Any money that was used up before the Islamic year ended (i.e. the 12 Lunar months) is exempted from Zakaat. So you need not pay zakaat on …

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Zakaat on Capital

Q: Is zakaat payable on capital amount invested in a business or only on the profits gained? A: In business zakaat must be paid on the current value of one's share in the business, notwithstanding the amount initially invested, on condition that the investor has entered into a partnership (Islamic Shirkat) with one or more …

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Debts and Zakaat

Q: I took a loan from my wife to purchase a car. The value being for example R30,000. I have paid her R5,000 thus far. Thus, I am in debt of R25,000. Question: If I have cash and jewelry to the value of R28,000, what amount will I pay Zakaat on? If I have cash …

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