Buying and Selling

Buying Repossessed Goods

Q: I would like to know if one is permitted to purchase assets from an auction that only keeps bank repossessed goods. A: It will be permissible to purchase bank repossessed goods from an auction. And Allah Knows best Siraj Desai (Mufti)

Network Marketing

Q: Is network marketing on the internet permissible? There are these products on the internet such as google adsense that pay users of it a certain amount of money for clicking on the link. A. Making money from network marketing is lawful and Halaal. The company pays one for the use of his or her …

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Selling Goodwill

Q: I run a medical practice that I started personally 12 years ago. I am now looking for a partner or someone to buy into the practice. Is it permissible to sell the practice for a price, understanding that there is nothing physical to sell? I think the sale amounts to a royalty or goodwill. …

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Buying House with Islamic Finance

Q: Is it permissible to buy a house via Wesbank Islamic Finance? Are there any Halaal ways of buying a house? A. It is permissible to purchase a house via Wesbank Islamic Finance. You can also use Absa Islamic Finance or Al Barakah. They all have Shar’ee compliant packages for house finance. Mufti Siraj Desai