
Auditing a Bank

Q: A person is working for an accounting/auditing firm and he has to go and audit a bank. The bank is one of the clients of the firm. Would it be halal to do audit of the bank? Would his income be halal? A: The income derived as an employee of the accounting firm is …

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Charging for Services

Q: After completing my studies here in the UK I started doing assignments for foreign Arab students on their behalf and I charged a fee for this work. Somebody told me it’s not allowed in Islam because this is cheating. At that time I asked one of the famous Imams after explaining to him that …

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Shaving Beard for Work

Q: Is it permissible to shave the beard for important work? For example: in the energy services to protect the beard from gases in the workplace? A. The Hadeeth clearly states that there is no obedience to the creation if in it lies disobedience to the Creator. (Al Mu’jamul Kabeer V18 P177). You are being …

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Dishwasher and Non-Halaal Food

Q: I just wanted to know the ruling about dishwasher’s job in a restaurant where non-halal food is being served: Is this job permissible? A. Washing utensils that are impure is permissible, so the income earned for such work is Halaal. It’s permissible for you to work there. And Allah knows best Mufti Siraj Desai