Umrah for Old Lady without Mahram

Q: My mom (age 74) would like to go on Umrah with her 2 sisters (age 63, 64) and their husbands in a large group. None of my mom’s sons are able to accompany her on this trip. Is it acceptable for her to go on this trip under these circumstances?

A. Travelling for Umrah will only be permissible for her if she has a Mahram to accompany her on the journey.  It is not permissible for her to travel without a Mahram. (Fataawa Al Hindiyyah V5 P462). If she has no Mahram then she should rather forfeit the trip. 

Mufti Siraj adds:
Obeying the Law of Hijaab will be more pleasing to Allah than performing an Umrah wherein the conditions of Shari’ah have been violated.

Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked by: Mufti Siraj Desai