Wet Dreams

Q: I just want to know about the ruling on wet dreams. What exactly we have to do when we have wet dreams. Do we have to take the bath as soon as feel it or it can be taken in the morning after getting up from the sleep. I also want to know that while in wet dream can I touch, eat and drink normally or I’ve to make fard ghusl first to do any work.

A. Ghusl should be taken as soon as possible but it is permissible to delay it till the next Salaah time.

It will be permissible to carry on sleeping and bath when one awakes for Fajr Salaah. If possible, wash the private parts before going back to sleep if one awoke in the middle of the night straight after a wet dream

The hands should be washed and the mouth rinsed before eating, drinking, etc. (Raddul Muhtaar V2 P11).

Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked by: Mufti Siraj Desai